How To Prepare For The Databricks Spark Developer Associate Certification

How To Prepare For The Databricks Spark Developer Associate Certification

A full overview of the course material

So you’re looking to get that Spark Developer Associate certification? As part of my own preparation for the exam, I’ve written a short description for each of the (high-level) topics that are mentioned at the end of the Databricks course, so you don’t have to. 😉

The exam consists of 60 questions, and covers three main topics:

  • Apache Spark Architecture Concepts (17%)
  • Apache Spark Architecture Applications (11%)
  • Apache Spark DataFrame API Applications (72%)

Covering 72% of all questions, the DataFrame API is the most important. Unfortunately, this is also the section that will require the most hand-on experience. So unless you’re like that one lawyer in the series Suits (Michael Ross), and you can memorize the entire documentation word for word, you’ll need to get your hands dirty. Just a fair warning.

There’s a lot of material to cover, so let’s get going!

Apache Spark Architecture Concepts (17%)


A Spark cluster is a distributed computing environment that consists of multiple interconnected machines, enabling the parallel processing of large-scale data using Apache Spark, a fast and general-purpose cluster computing system. An overview of its components:

Spark Cluster


  • Driver nodes: The driver node is the entry point for a Spark application. It runs the main function and creates the SparkContext, coordinating the distribution of tasks across worker nodes.
  • Worker nodes: Worker nodes are responsible for executing tasks assigned by the driver. They store data and perform computations.


  • Relationship with worker nodes: Executors are processes launched on worker nodes to run Spark tasks. Each worker node can have multiple executors.
  • Relationship with the JVM: Each executor runs within a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), isolating tasks and providing fault tolerance.


  • Description: A slot is a basic unit of parallelism in Spark. It represents the computational capacity of an executor to execute a single task.
  • Purpose: Slots allow multiple tasks to run concurrently on a single executor, maximizing parallelism and resource utilization.

Execution Hierarchy

The Spark execution hierarchy consists of a Spark application containing multiple jobs, each job comprising stages, and each stage composed of tasks, representing the fundamental unit of parallel execution in the Spark computing framework.

Spark Execution Hierarchy


  • Description of a Spark application: A Spark application is a self-contained computation, consisting of a driver program and a set of parallelized tasks executed on a cluster.


  • Description of Spark Jobs: A job is a Spark application’s high-level unit of work. It consists of stages, and it is initiated by an action triggered in the driver program.


  • Description of Spark stages: A stage is a set of tasks that can be executed in parallel without data shuffling. Stages are determined by transformations that have narrow dependencies.
  • Identify what separates a Job into multiple stages: A job is divided into stages at the boundaries where data needs to be shuffled between partitions.


  • Description of Spark Tasks: A task is the smallest unit of work in Spark, representing the execution of a single operation on a partition of data.



  • Description of shuffling: Shuffling is the process of redistributing data across the partitions, often involving data exchange between nodes. It can be a costly operation.
  • Operations that result in a shuffle: Operations like groupByKey, reduceByKey, and join result in shuffling.
  • Configuration prone to a lot of shuffling: Setting a high level of parallelism or having a small number of partitions can lead to increased shuffling.


  • Description of partitions: Partitions are basic units of data parallelism in Spark. Each partition holds a subset of the data, and tasks operate on partitions independently.
  • Configurations that affect partitioning: The number of partitions is affected by configurations like spark.default.parallelism and can be controlled during operations like repartition.

Execution Patterns

Lazy Evaluation

  • Description of Lazy Evaluation: Lazy evaluation is a strategy where transformations on RDDs are not immediately executed. Instead, they are recorded, and the execution is deferred until an action is called.
  • Advantages: It minimizes unnecessary computations, optimizes execution plans, and improves performance.
  • Operations that trigger evaluation: Actions like count, collect, and saveAsTextFile trigger the evaluation of transformations.


  • Description of transformations: Transformations are operations that create a new RDD from an existing one. They are lazily evaluated.
  • Narrow vs. wide transformations: Narrow transformations (e.g., map) do not require data shuffling, while wide transformations (e.g., groupByKey) do involve shuffling.


  • Description of actions: Actions are operations that trigger the execution of transformations and return a result to the driver program or write data to an external storage system.
  • Operations that are actions: Examples include count, collect, saveAsTextFile, and reduce.

Apache Spark Architecture Applications (11%)


Execution and Deployment Modes

  • Purpose of driver and executor setup: The driver program is responsible for coordinating the Spark application, while executors are responsible for task execution. The setup ensures the distribution and parallel processing of tasks.
  • Types of deployment modes:
    • Cluster mode: Driver and executors run on the cluster.
    • Client mode: Driver runs on the client machine, connecting to executors on the cluster.
    • Local mode: Both driver and executors run on the local machine for development and testing.

Fault Tolerance and Stability

  • Reasons a Spark application will fail: Network issues, hardware failures, and application bugs can lead to failures.
  • Fault-tolerant cluster setups: Spark provides fault tolerance through lineage information and recomputing lost data. Configurations like replication factor and checkpointing enhance fault tolerance.



  • How Spark caches data: Spark caches data in memory, reducing recomputation by storing computed results.
  • When to cache DataFrames: Cache DataFrames when they are reused, reducing computation time.

Storage Levels

  • Types of storage level: a link to the documentation would be easiest 😉
  • Default storage level: MEMORY_ONLY When to use each storage level: Choose based on memory constraints and computation needs.

Out-of-memory Errors

  • Why out-of-memory errors occur: Large datasets or inefficient transformations can exceed available memory.
  • Strategies for reducing out-of-memory errors: Increase cluster size, optimize code, or use storage levels to spill to disk.

Garbage Collection

  • Purpose: To reclaim memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use.
  • Efficient garbage collection configurations: Configure garbage collection settings based on memory requirements, considering options like G1GC.



  • How to repartition a DataFrame: Use the repartition method to increase or decrease the number of partitions.


  • How to coalesce a DataFrame: Use the coalesce method to reduce the number of partitions without shuffling.
  • Relationship with repartitioning a DataFrame: Coalescing is a more efficient operation when reducing partitions, as it avoids full shuffling.

Data Skew

  • Describe data skew: Data skew occurs when certain partitions have significantly more data than others, leading to uneven processing.
  • General strategies for avoiding data skew: Preprocess data to distribute keys evenly, use salting techniques, or leverage specific join strategies.

AQE Skew Handling

  • Configurations needed for automatic skew handling: Adaptive Query Execution (AQE) automatically handles skew. No specific configurations are required.

Structures (DataFrame)


  • Description of Spark DataFrames: DataFrames are distributed collections of data organized into named columns, providing a higher-level abstraction than RDDs.
  • Spark class used as the base for DataFrames: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame

Types and Execution

  • Possible column types: many exist, see the documentation.
  • Parallel execution: DataFrames support parallel execution, enabling distributed data processing.



  • How to broadcast a variable: Use the broadcast function to mark a variable for broadcasting.
  • What it means to broadcast a variable: Broadcasting a variable means sharing it efficiently across all nodes to reduce data transfer overhead.


  • Configurations for automatic broadcast joins: Set spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold to determine the size threshold for automatic broadcast joins.
  • When broadcast joins are advantageous: Broadcast joins are beneficial when one side of the join is small enough to fit in memory.

Adaptive Query Execution (AQE)

  • Adaptive Query Execution (AQE) is an optimization technique in Spark SQL that makes use of the runtime statistics to choose the most efficient query execution plan.
  • How to set up Spark to automatically handle broadcast joins using AQE: AQE automatically handles broadcast joins without specific setup, improving performance.

Apache Spark DataFrame API Applications (72%)



  • Select columns from a DataFrame: Use the select method to choose specific columns.
  • Drop columns from a DataFrame: Use the drop method to remove unwanted columns.


  • Rename existing columns: Utilize the withColumnRenamed method to rename columns.


  • Cast column types: Use the cast method to convert a column to a different data type.
  • Create a constant column: Use the lit function to add a new column with a constant value.
  • Split an existing string column: Employ the split function to divide a string column into multiple columns.
  • Explode an array column: Use the explode function to transform array elements into separate rows.
  • Date manipulations: Use functions like date_add, datediff, and trunc for date manipulations.



  • Single-condition filtering: Use the filter or where method for basic filtering.
  • Multiple-condition filtering: Combine multiple conditions using logical operators (&, |, ~).


  • Dropping duplicates: Use the dropDuplicates (or drop_duplicates) method to remove duplicate rows.
  • Sampling: Utilize the sample method to create a random sample of the DataFrame.


  • Order by one column: Use the orderBy or sort methods to sort the DataFrame by one or more columns.
  • Change column order: Select columns in a different order to change the column arrangement.


  • Summary descriptions: Use functions like describe or summary for summary statistics.
  • Single-/multi-column aggregations: Utilize functions like sum, avg, and max for single or multiple column aggregations.
  • Grouped aggregations: Use the groupBy method to perform aggregations on specific groups.


Combining data

  • Joins: Use methods like join to combine DataFrames based on common columns. For more details on the types of joins, see the documentation.
  • Broadcast joins: Optimize small-table joins using broadcast joins.
  • Unions: Use union or unionByName to combine DataFrames vertically.


  • Reading and writing: Use read and write methods to read from and write to various data sources.
  • Write by partitions: Improve write performance by specifying the number of partitions.
  • Read schemas: Provide schema information when reading data.
  • Persist/caching: Use persist or cache to persist DataFrames in memory for faster access.


  • Coalescing: Use the coalesce method to reduce (only reduce!) the number of partitions without shuffling.
  • Repartitioning: Use the repartition method to either increase or decrease the number of partitions.

Custom Functions

Python UDFs

  • Create Python UDFs: Use the udf function to define a Python UDF.
  • Create Pandas UDFs: Use the pandas_udf decorator to create Pandas UDFs.
  • Execution of Python and Pandas UDFs: Apply UDFs using the withColumn method.

Scala UDFs

  • Create Scala UDFs: Register Scala UDFs using the udf function.
  • Execute Scala UDFs: Apply Scala UDFs using the withColumn method.

Spark SQL Execution

  • Execute a SQL query: Use the spark.sql method to execute SQL queries on DataFrames.

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